I am a proud Pakistani, I am proud of Pakistan in every condition. Not a single day passes when I don’t hear about corruption and injustice but I am still a proud Pakistani. There is no electricity, gas and the industries are shutting down, but I feel I am a proud Pakistani. New government comes and says the previous government was corrupt and all the problems are because of them and we need time to address issues, but before elections they cry and asks for votes like beggars saying we will solve your issues in no time, but still I am a proud Pakistani. President of my country, whose name is Islamic republic of Pakistan saying that promises are not Quran or Hadith, but still I am a proud Pakistani and I am feeling more pride as I am writing this. President of my country roaming in the world begging for the money and filling his own pockets with that money, but why should I don’t feel pride in it? After all I am a proud Pakistani. Blackwater is called in my country but why would I do anything? I am a proud Pakistani. Prices of basic necessities are out of reach of even middle class people but I am feeling proud that I am Pakistani. American embassy in my country is expanding and marines are called in, it looks like my country is a USA base, but I don’t care I am only proud to be a Pakistani. All the political parties cry for democracy, but infact they don’t have democracy in their party then how could they give democracy to Pakistan but still we vote them, because I am a proud Pakistani. Kerry-lugar bill has been imposed on my country by which we get money for selling our integrity and country to USA, but why should I do anything? being a proud Pakistani is enough for me. Economy of my country is in bad shape and no new investments are coming, even leaders of my country don’t invest money in Pakistan and have bank accounts world-wide, but I am a very proud Pakistani. Government has cabinet of more than 80, but they lack funds for common people, but I also feel pride in it and I am a proud Pakistani.
I can go on and on but I am feeling so much proud that I would explode with it. I don’t give a damn about all these issues and still I am proud of Pakistan but infact Pakistan is ashamed of us, that what we are doing with it? We want to sell it to others? Why blackwater and US marines are here for? It is ashamed that why we give vote to those who stole billions of dollars from our treasury? Pakistan is ashamed of us, we had let our country down. Pakistan is ashamed of this nation, who don’t do anything for their country instead of saying “I am a proud Pakistani”. As someone rightly said “A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you're looking down, you can't see something that's above you.”