As the Supreme Court of Pakistan has declared NRO null and void, I see it as a step towards transparency. This decision is the first step towards the corrupt free Pakistan. It has also given message to all the corrupt leaders that now the time has come when they are answerable to every act they had done in the past. This decision has set an example that no one is above law and everyone should be treated according to law, in whatever position a person is, he should be answerable to the people of Pakistan. Morally the people who have benefited from NRO and are holding public office’s should have resigned long ago, but moral is not the word for them as they don’t have any moral values. They feel proud on any accusations leveled against them, instead unfortunately a culture has been developed in Pakistan by which a person is more regarded if he has spent some time in jail etc. Take for example the person who is holding the highest office of the country, he had spent 11 years in jail, what type of values and culture is developing in Pakistan? We have named the country “Islamic Republic of Pakistan” but unfortunately even its constitution is not Islamic. For example Article 248 of the constitution of Pakistan is against Islam and human values. In my opinion it is conflicting with the Article 25 of the same constitution, In Article 248 President has indemnity and no legal proceedings can be held against him and Article 25 says that every citizen is equal. Isn’t it a contradiction? How can the office protect a person for being answerable for his acts? Is it Islamic? Now let me quote a event so that you can judge for yourself. Once a woman brought a claim against the Caliph 'Umar. When 'Umar appeared on trial before the judge, the judge stood up as a sign of respect toward him. 'Umar reprimanded him, saying, "This is the first act of injustice you did to this woman!" He insisted that his appointed governors live simple lives, keep no guard at their doors and be accessible to the people at all times, and he himself set the example for them. Many times foreign envoys and messengers sent to him by his generals found him resting under a palm tree or praying in the mosque among the people, and it was difficult for them to distinguish which man was the Caliph. He spent many a watchful night going about the streets of Medina to see whether anyone needed help or assistance. But now I hope that things will change and we will move towards a better Pakistan, as corruption is one of the main problem for the present situation of the country.

I just pray to Allah to show us right path.