As the Supreme Court of Pakistan has declared NRO null and void, I see it as a step towards transparency. This decision is the first step towards the corrupt free Pakistan. It has also given message to all the corrupt leaders that now the time has come when they are answerable to every act they had done in the past. This decision has set an example that no one is above law and everyone should be treated according to law, in whatever position a person is, he should be answerable to the people of Pakistan. Morally the people who have benefited from NRO and are holding public office’s should have resigned long ago, but moral is not the word for them as they don’t have any moral values. They feel proud on any accusations leveled against them, instead unfortunately a culture has been developed in Pakistan by which a person is more regarded if he has spent some time in jail etc. Take for example the person who is holding the highest office of the country, he had spent 11 years in jail, what type of values and culture is developing in Pakistan? We have named the country “Islamic Republic of Pakistan” but unfortunately even its constitution is not Islamic. For example Article 248 of the constitution of Pakistan is against Islam and human values. In my opinion it is conflicting with the Article 25 of the same constitution, In Article 248 President has indemnity and no legal proceedings can be held against him and Article 25 says that every citizen is equal. Isn’t it a contradiction? How can the office protect a person for being answerable for his acts? Is it Islamic? Now let me quote a event so that you can judge for yourself. Once a woman brought a claim against the Caliph 'Umar. When 'Umar appeared on trial before the judge, the judge stood up as a sign of respect toward him. 'Umar reprimanded him, saying, "This is the first act of injustice you did to this woman!" He insisted that his appointed governors live simple lives, keep no guard at their doors and be accessible to the people at all times, and he himself set the example for them. Many times foreign envoys and messengers sent to him by his generals found him resting under a palm tree or praying in the mosque among the people, and it was difficult for them to distinguish which man was the Caliph. He spent many a watchful night going about the streets of Medina to see whether anyone needed help or assistance. But now I hope that things will change and we will move towards a better Pakistan, as corruption is one of the main problem for the present situation of the country.

I just pray to Allah to show us right path.

Google Wave

I just got an invitation of Google wave, thanks to Ammar Bhai :). Straight away I started using it as I was excited. It was simple to start, just login from your gmail account if you have one and just start using it. It has very exciting features in it and is really easy to learn, as there are tutorial videos which are simple to understand. It is a real time communication engine, better than facebook in my opinion. I will give details about some features as I have not explored it fully myself. There are waves in Google wave alike status updates in Facebook. If someone wants to share something he will create a new wave and specify friends with which he wants to share it. Then the friends he added and he can have real time communication, if his friends reply to the wave it is visible to him what his friend is writing in real time, and what you are writing will be visible to your friends in real time(you can see what they are writing on your screen). You can also share pictures, videos and much more in Google wave in a new way. You can make your friends understand about a specific location using Google Maps in real time. You can also write documents and your fiends can help you in writing it in real time. if you are chatting with a friend who is spanish for example then there is no problem you just type in English and it will be converted to spanish in real time, and your friend will write in spanish and it will be converted to your language in real time. There is much more, but for now I think Google has really changed the way of social networking. I really liked Google wave and i hope you people will also like it. Google wave can only be used if you get an invitation as it is a beta version for now.

Technology helps in being social

Contrary to what most of us believe that technology is causing social isolation, few days back I also had a useful discussion with my friends in which we had discussed about the same thing and concluded that surely the people who use computer, internet, cell phones etc are becoming socially isolated day by day.
But a new article I read suggests that a new study has been carried out in which it is concluded that the people who use internet, cellphones etc have more diverse social network. It suggests that people’s social worlds are enhanced by new communication technologies. The research was carried in University of Pennsylvania and they pointed out that it is a mistake to believe that internet use and mobile phones plunge people into spiral of isolation. They stated that it is the first research that actually explores the connection between technology use and social isolation and they found the opposite. It found that on average, the size of people’s discussion networks is 12 per cent larger among mobile phone users, nine per cent larger for those who share photos online, and nine per cent bigger for those who use instant messaging. The diversity of people’s core networks tends to be 25 per cent larger for mobile phone users, 15 per cent larger for basic Internet users, and even larger for frequent Internet users, those who use instant messaging, and those who share digital photos online. The study found that on average in a typical year, people have in-person contact with their core network ties on about 210 days. They have mobile-phone contact on 195 days of the year, landline phone contact on 125 days and text-messaging contact on the mobile phone 125 days. They have email contact on 72 days, instant messaging contact on 55 days, contact via social networking websites on 39 days and contact via letters or cards on eight days. The study involved telephone interviews with 2,512 adults between July 9, 2008 and August 10, 2008 and has a sampling error of 2.1 per cent.

Proud Pakistani!!

I am a proud Pakistani, I am proud of Pakistan in every condition. Not a single day passes when I don’t hear about corruption and injustice but I am still a proud Pakistani. There is no electricity, gas and the industries are shutting down, but I feel I am a proud Pakistani. New government comes and says the previous government was corrupt and all the problems are because of them and we need time to address issues, but before elections they cry and asks for votes like beggars saying we will solve your issues in no time, but still I am a proud Pakistani. President of my country, whose name is Islamic republic of Pakistan saying that promises are not Quran or Hadith, but still I am a proud Pakistani and I am feeling more pride as I am writing this. President of my country roaming in the world begging for the money and filling his own pockets with that money, but why should I don’t feel pride in it? After all I am a proud Pakistani. Blackwater is called in my country but why would I do anything? I am a proud Pakistani. Prices of basic necessities are out of reach of even middle class people but I am feeling proud that I am Pakistani. American embassy in my country is expanding and marines are called in, it looks like my country is a USA base, but I don’t care I am only proud to be a Pakistani. All the political parties cry for democracy, but infact they don’t have democracy in their party then how could they give democracy to Pakistan but still we vote them, because I am a proud Pakistani. Kerry-lugar bill has been imposed on my country by which we get money for selling our integrity and country to USA, but why should I do anything? being a proud Pakistani is enough for me. Economy of my country is in bad shape and no new investments are coming, even leaders of my country don’t invest money in Pakistan and have bank accounts world-wide, but I am a very proud Pakistani. Government has cabinet of more than 80, but they lack funds for common people, but I also feel pride in it and I am a proud Pakistani.

I can go on and on but I am feeling so much proud that I would explode with it. I don’t give a damn about all these issues and still I am proud of Pakistan but infact Pakistan is ashamed of us, that what we are doing with it? We want to sell it to others? Why blackwater and US marines are here for? It is ashamed that why we give vote to those who stole billions of dollars from our treasury? Pakistan is ashamed of us, we had let our country down. Pakistan is ashamed of this nation, who don’t do anything for their country instead of saying “I am a proud Pakistani”. As someone rightly said “A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you're looking down, you can't see something that's above you.”

stampede in Karachi!!

Today’s stampede incident in Karachi is very unfortunate. Although it is an eye opener for us, by us I mean Pakistani nation, it doesn’t include Government and politicians as they don’t have eyes to see and mind to perceive that what is going on in this country. The thing they really care about is collecting abundant wealth. We Pakistanis should now open our eyes and minds. We have to think that are we making Pakistan, as envisioned by our great leaders Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal? Do we want to live in a country which is ruled by elite and certain families? Do these families have more right on Pakistan than us? After father or mother the son or daughter comes to rule the country, is this the definition of democracy? Or we should change this definition in dictionaries? When will we live as a nation? And eradicate the ills of society?

Sorry to say but we are still slaves, father of the nation Quaid-e-Azam freed us from British, but we ourselves became slaves of certain families. We want to be ruled by others instead of ruling others. I don’t know what type of Muslims we are? Or what type of Pakistanis? We should ask this question to ourselves that where we are heading? And what we want to do to our country?

The stampede shows us the true image of Pakistan. Hunger, poverty, unemployment, corruption and every ill is present in our society. This is the real Pakistan. One of my friend on facebook has a status “whatever happens still proud to be Pakistani”. This is just a statement to hide problems and ills in our society, you should feel proud by first realizing your mistakes and then improving them and then you should say I am proud to be Pakistani, but without power, gas, food, water, shelter and still you feel proud is just giving yourselves false picture and a way to run away from problems instead of addressing them. We should all pray to Allah to show us right path and forgive us for our sins.AMEEN

credibility of PPP

New development in the credibility of PPP government and so called leaders of Pakistan. US has categorically said that they will not give money (Kerry Lugar bill) directly to PPP government , as they have reservations about the spending of money. What a shame this PPP government has brought to our country, and I don’t know that even USA don’t believe these politicians and don’t trust them but we the Pakistani nation had elected them to run this country. What we want to do with our country? We want those impotent leaders to run our great country who have no credibility in the world? We want our country to be lead by incapable politicians who don’t have a single penny inside Pakistan, then how can we say to other people to invest money in Pakistan?

I recently got into discussion with some PPP “jialas”, and I was amazed to see their illiteracy and illogical reasoning. They even don’t know anything about their own party. Then when they can’t bear my questions and the facts and the quotations I have quoted from different books and newspapers, then they started abusing me and started indecent language, that’s the moment I was waiting for because their they weren’t representing themselves they were representing their party and they showed that what their party teaches them. And in it there is one person, I will not take his name, he was teacher of mine (Phd scholar) and he was also in the discussion and he was also talking illogically and very far from facts, and when the PPP jialas started using bad language his response was that “each PPP jiala is close to my heart and I will not stop them”. Sorry to say but I don’t know what type of Muslim, Pakistani and teacher he is? That he can’t even have the courage or the sense to say what is right and what is wrong, and can’t stop the wrong and can’t fulfill his primary duty. He should fulfill his duties as a Muslim, Pakistani and a good human being rather than fulfilling his duties to a lame and pathetic PPP. This is the new proof about pathetic and corrupt leaders of PPP. May Allah show right path to these jialas.AMEEEN

Microsoft lobbying against Google!

Microsoft's chief Washington lobbyist has been convening regular meetings attended by the company's outside consultants that have become known by some beltway insiders as "screw Google" meetings, DailyFinance has learned.
The meetings are part of an ongoing campaign by Microsoft (MSFT), other Google (GOOG) opponents, and hired third parties to discredit the Web search leader, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the matter.
"Microsoft is at the center of a group of companies who see Google as a threat to them in some combination of business and policy," said a source familiar with the matter, who requested anonymity to avoid retribution. "The effort is designed make Google look like the big high-tech bad guy here."

The meetings have occurred as frequently as once a week, sources with knowledge of the meetings say.

Microsoft employs several D.C.-based public relations firms, including Law Media Group, a secretive outfit founded by former Democratic operative Julian Epstein, and the Glover Park Group, which the software giant retains for issues related to "public policy and governmental affairs," according to Microsoft's website. LMG declined to discuss its work for Microsoft; GPG says it had never been involved with any "screw Google" meetings.

Nevertheless, one source familiar with the meetings says, "Law Media Group has several people who work full-time on Google-bashing. Everybody knows Microsoft is trying to throw roadblocks at Google and knock them off their game. Microsoft is trying to harm Google in the regulatory, legal, and litigation arenas because they're having problems with Google in the competitive marketplace."

"This is textbook Microsoft," the source adds. "Microsoft has got some of the best, highest-priced lobbyists that money can buy in Washington."

The meetings have been led by Fred Humphries, Microsoft's chief lobbyist in D.C. Ginny Terzano, Microsoft's Washington spokesperson, acknowledged that Google has come up in Microsoft meetings with "lawmakers, regulators, and our own consultants." But of Humphries's alleged "screw Google" meetings, she says, "This is absurd. While Google is a healthy competitor, Fred is focused on advancing policies that benefit our partners and consumers, and not running meetings of the type you describe. Your sources are badly misinformed, and your information is wrong."

"As you would expect, Microsoft and Fred are working to educate policymakers and regulators about the benefits of the Microsoft/Yahoo deal," Terzano says. "When you talk about the Microsoft/Yahoo deal, of course Google is going to come up."

A source with knowledge of the matter called Terzano's statement a "non-denial denial," saying, "This is an attempt to obfuscate the fact that they are indeed having 'screw Google' meetings."

Microsoft is working to allay Justice Department antitrust concerns over its proposed 10-year web search tie-up with Yahoo (YHOO), which would unite the No. 2 and 3 competitors in the space.

The new details about Microsoft's D.C.-based efforts to undermine Google shine a light on the role of third-party firms, funded by tech giants, that engage in activities such as astroturfing, corporate propaganda, and misinformation. Media reports have hinted at a "whisper campaign" undertaken by entities acting at Microsoft's behest to undermine Google, both with policymakers and the public.

In recent months, two heavily detailed, annotated versions of confidential Google slide presentations -- one dealing with competition issues, the other with behavioral targeting -- have been published by a Santa Monica–based group called Consumer Watchdog. The annotations are highly critical of Google and seek to rebut the search giant's arguments. Consumer Watchdog has thus far declined to reveal the source of the documents.

"We consulted with someone outside our organization who did the mark-ups. We published them because we thought they were right on the issue," says John M. Simpson, who leads coverage of issues related to Google at Consumer Watchdog. Microsoft and its PR firms LMG and GPG deny any involvement in producing the annotated Google presentations.

Simpson says the news of the "screw Google" meetings comes as "no surprise whatsoever." "I suspect that such meetings are happening at Microsoft, and I would suspect that Google has had similar meetings," Simpson says. "It's obvious that Microsoft is engaged in some sort of organized campaign to undermine Google."

That there is no love lost between the two companies is well-documented. Microsoft chieftain Steve Ballmer once famously hurled a chair across his office during an anti-Google tirade in which he raged, "I'm going to f*cking kill Google." The incident was revealed in court documents related to Google's poaching of Microsoft's former point man in China, Li Kai-Fu. Google lured Li to head its effort there, leading to a lawsuit from Microsoft, which Google won.

Of course, just as Microsoft holds Washington meetings to discuss its Google strategy, Google does the same. The two companies compete on multiple fronts, and each seeks to enhance its own position while undermining its rival.

"Of course we keep an eye on what's happening in the industry," Google spokesman Adam Kovacevich says, "but the focus of our Washington advocacy has always been advancing good public policy for the Internet and our users."

In less than a decade, Google has become nearly as dominant in the Internet search market as Microsoft is in desktop software. Microsoft recently launched a high-profile foray into the search market with a new search engine, Bing, and it seeks to partner with Yahoo to mount a stronger challenge. But Google, with nearly 70 percent of the search ad market, has little to fear from Bing or the planned joint partnership, and that dominance remains an immense source of Microsoft's frustration.

Microsoft and Google are also gearing up for an intense showdown over the very future of the PC operating system. Google recently said it plans to introduce a new web-based operating system based on its Chrome browser (though to date, Chrome has barely dented Microsoft Internet Explorer's lead in the browser market). Google's fundamental strategy to shift the locus of computing onto in the Internet, and into "the cloud," represents an ambitious assault on Microsoft's dominance of the desktop-based operating system market.

With billions of dollars at stake, the sophisticated D.C. operations and message machines are an inevitable result of Google and Microsoft's epic struggle for dominance. With the Obama administration perceived as "Google-friendly," despite ongoing federal inquests into Google on antitrust grounds, Microsoft has little choice but to ensure that its voice is heard amid the cacophony of Capitol Hill lobbying.

And if secret "screw Google" meetings are any indication, this could get very ugly -- and very entertaining.
source :

Independence Day!

We are celebrating 62nd independence day of Pakistan. But do we know the meaning of independence or meaning of independence is different in Pakistan? With 9 billion dollar loan from IMF in Nov 2008, to save Pakistan from bankruptcy, we are still independent. President and his government had begged to the world to support Pakistan otherwise Pakistan cannot be saved and still we are independent. US drone’s enter Pakistan without the consent of Government of Pakistan and roam freely, but still we are independent. Richard Holbroke who is only US special envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan whenever comes to Pakistan, all the government officials including President stand in front of him like sheeps and can’t say a word against penetration of US drones and US forces in Pakistan, but still we are independent. US secretary of state Hillary Clinton chairs the press conference of Pakistan’s and Afghanistan’s President’s. and still we are independent. All major policies are made by US and dictated to coward and impotent leaders of Pakistan, but still we think we are an independent state. So called political parties which talks about democracy so much but unfortunately they don’t have democracy inside their parties, so how can they bring democracy to Pakistan, but we are still independent. With President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan saying that promises are not Quran or Hadees, we are an independent country. With no electricity, jobs, food, shelter still in the 21st century, we are an independent country. With provinces demanding separation of Pakistan (Balochistan), we are an independent country. With losing East Pakistan within first 25 years of independence, due to political negligence we still are independent. Flag hoisting ceremony is cancelled in parliament house due to security reasons and we are celebrating independence. With 1000 marines coming into Pakistan with the consent of impotent Government, we still believe that we are independent. By substituting picture of our great Quaid with Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto, we are celebrating independence. With the 10% increase in corruption, we are celebrating independence. People are forced to do suicides due to poverty, unemployment, but still we are independent. Our Government begs for money from the world to run the country and had sold respect and dignity of our nation, but still we are independent. Our politicians love Pakistan so much that no one invests in Pakistan, no one has any bank account in Pakistan, and no one’s children study in Pakistan, but we still believe we are independent. I can go on and on but I just highlighted main achievements of our independent Pakistan.

It is true that we got independence from Hindus and Britian in 1947, due to our great leader Quaid-e-Azam and many sacrifices made by everyone in the struggle to get independence. But with the demise of great Quaid we became slaves of corrupt politicians, Bureaucrats and elite class. I may be wrong because if independence means that on 14th August, everyone puts a badge for display and people dancing, youngsters with bikes performing stunts, Government illuminating buildings etc. but the next day you woke up and forget what Pakistan is for? Then sorry there is no point of such an independence L. We got independence but we are still unable to realize what it is and what its worth. We need independence from our self desires, from corrupt politicians, from this corrupt system, from discrimination between poor and rich, from liars, from forces who are working to break our country.

I hope we will get independence from all this one day. Lets pray to Allah Almighty to save our country and Guide us and our rulers to a straight path.Ameen. Pakistan Zindabad :).

Google's "Caffeine"!!

Google has lifted the lid on its updated search engine, which developers have nicknamed "Caffeine".Although still in the testing phase, the firm says it is the "first step in improving the speed, accuracy and comprehensiveness of search results".The new engine will replace Google's current one after tests are complete.
Martin McNulty of search marketing specialist Trafficbroker said the upgrade threatened to put Microsoft's new engine, Bing, "in the shade"."Google have let Caffeine quietly slip out. It talked about vertical specific searches while quietly doubling the speed and starts introducing real-time results and news feeds," he said.
"Bing was launched with a massive media budget.
"Trouble is, Bing presents itself as an alternative to something that users are still - for now - happy with," he added.
Virtual monopoly
Google is still the dominant search engine. According to market research firm Hitwise, Google accounted for more than 87% of the UK search market in 2008.
However, in recent months, the search engine market has got a little busier. As well as Microsoft's - which saw a tie-up between Microsoft and Yahoo - the "computational knowledge engine" Wolfram Alpha and a revamped Ask Jeeves have also entered the fray.
Google is also facing competition from Facebook, which has just acquired FriendFeed, praised for its "real-time" search engine.
This type of search is valuable because it lets you know what is happening right now on any given subject.
Back in May, Google founder Larry Page admitted that the search giant had fallen behind other services like that of Twitter, which boasts nearly 45 million users worldwide.
Fresher content
Google's head of Webspam, Matt Cutts, denied that Caffeine was launched in response to competitive search engines.
"I love competition in search and want lots of it, but this change has been in the works for months," he wrote in his blog.
"I think the best way for Google to do well in search is to continue what we've done for the last decade or so: focus relentlessly on pushing our search quality forward. Nobody cares more about search than Google, and I don't think we'll ever stop trying to improve."
Alex Watson, editor of Custom PC magazine, said Caffeine was reflecting a general trend to what he calls "the real-time web".
"Caffeine now picks up news stories and puts fresher content higher up the search results," he said.
"That said, it's likely that most people won't notice the change. It still looks the same, it's the algorithms that have changed.
"However, it is now doing things that would never be possible a few years ago and knowing Google, this would have been in the works for some time."

Country Needs You!

They like their guess bags, nike shoes and daddys’ shiny cars. They also like their hang out spots, their get togethers and late night parties. But outside this diaphanous bubble, some realize that danger is a daily reality and their country needs them more than their materialistic pangs.

Sitting around a table, designer sunglasses perched on their head, they discuss issues in fluent English. A group of affluent youngsters are brainstorming ideas for helping the internally displaced people — they are all volunteers.

Volunteering is often misconstrued as free labour undertaken by individuals as an act of generosity to benefit others. But the important notion behind volunteerism — that the doer of good becomes good himself — is seldom realised. Volunteerism is as old as civilization itself. It started when humans began living in groups as they needed to help each other to survive individually and as a community. That is how societies formed and civilizations grew.

Volunteerism isn’t new to Pakistanis. Disasters, whether natural or man-made, have emboldened citizens to do more each time Pakistan is struck with mayhem. But the key to connecting the well healed to the reality most live in the country (other than their donations) is volunteering. Helping the poor from the confines of cushy sofas and paper cheques are certainly a commendable service, but imperialist and feudal mindsets that have kept the poor in a suppressive psychological cage can only alter over time if they decide to pull their sleeves and pants up to take a dip in the real world.

The process is two-way and rewarding. Helping those in needs instills a combination of humbleness, kindness as well as value for labour and time, attained only through interaction — packing left-over food at a restaurant or foregoing another pair of sneakers and instead buying essentials for someone who probably needs it. Collective support in turn encourages them to believe in humanity and a life worth living for.

Working shoulder to shoulder with other volunteers allows friendships, a network pool of new ideas and a sense of national identity. The barter trade as you may have noticed, is priceless. According to the Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy’s statistics for 1998 even though 41 per cent of aggregate ‘giving of people’ is in the form of volunteering, more than 50 per cent of them volunteer individually instead of joining an organization. The impact of coordinated effort is thus widely absent.

The spirit to contribute and offer help does not lack among individuals, yet the guidance, training and aspect of collectivism is seen more rarely. The National Volunteer Movement, initiated in 2005, was essentially a good platform but not surprisingly a managerial disaster. At the beginning 15,000 volunteers were registered across the country and work was being done for the earthquake affected people. But other than a few minor initiatives, such as stalls with young attendants to guide and help older patients at hospitals, the NVM has largely been ineffective. This resulted in a slash of their budget from Rs50 million to Rs20 million. But, Federal Youth Minister Shahid Bhutto states that for the last two months his ministry has been attempting to rejuvenate the largely dormant organization. Since the start of military action against militants in Swat, Malakand and tribal areas that left thousands homeless, many individuals, private and some public rose to the occasion. NVM set up their camps and provided cooked food and electric water coolers to the homeless.

‘I’ve been registered with NVM for 3 years now but this is the first time I’ve done field work,’ says Rashid a 22-year-old volunteer. He worked with NVM in Swabi for one month and 18 days. He took IDPs to hospitals, worked in medical camps, helped old people to avoid waiting in long queues and in the evenings distributed food among them. Altruistic motivations were his predictable response but then he stated the personal benefits of volunteering with an organization. ‘If we have to work we should do it through a proper system. It’s a platform and then we get credit for it too,’ he adds.

Eighteen-year-old Tipu agrees volunteering takes you a long way. ‘It’s about being hands on things and affecting change. You get real concrete tangible changes.’ That’s what which lead him to join hands with his cousin Murtaza to establish the Islamabad chapter of the volunteer organization Zimmedar Shehri (responsible citizens).

Murtaza Kumail Khwaja, a 22-year-old medical student and also one of the chairs of the Zimmedar Shehri, says that the youth needs to be more aware of issues and work collectively to make a change.’ We wanted to show the youth that something needs to be done together instead of just sitting around. So we decided to start with something small.’ They launched a campaign of garbage collection, as their Facebook group states their goal boldly, of creating a sense of social responsibility.

‘Whether this is by convincing the neighbourhood imam (cleric) to stock books in his mosque for the young to read; whether by bringing young doctors to slums to treat the dwellers for free; whether by collecting food from an affluent house to fill the palms of the hungry down the street.’ Considering the perennial needs for volunteers, institutionalising it would be the most effective way for the government to achieve the undying passion of patriotism.

If universities and schools make it mandatory for graduation with credits, the youth would be pushed out of boredom and negative activities towards a more enriching experience and constructive activities, Tipu concurs, saying, ‘I’d rather be doing something for my country than smoking up.’
By Nosheen Abbas

Bing's Video Contest

Let me first give you some idea about the video below.Two or three weeks back Microsoft announced that they are holding "Bingle Jingle Contest".The aim was to record a short music video or you can say a theme song for its recently launched decision engine "Bing".Prize was $500 American Express gift cheque, and they asked the contestants to upload videos on Google's "You Tube". So the video below is the winner of "Bingle Jingle Contest". I have one word for this video "creepy"! i dont know why this video is winner, maybe it is because that other videos were more creepy than it :P and Microsoft have no other choice :).. Watch the video yourself, and please post comments about this video

Supreme Court's Verdict

This is obviously a very sensitive issue, but I want to give my opinion on today’s verdict. In my opinion this is the most balanced judgment that any court can give, and most importantly the court which itself was a victim of Nov 3 martial law. But the 14 member bench and specially the chief justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Chaudhry had created history by giving a sensible and balanced decision, they would have taken revenge from Gen Musharraf and the present Government, but they proved that their decisions will not be influenced by agony that they and their families have received due to Gen Musharraf and Government. This decision is an example for generations to come, it is also an example for our pathetic politicians and rulers that the work they were supposed to do is done by Supreme Court. What a shame for parliament who considers themselves as representatives of people that their work is done by Supreme Court, and the parliament is instructed to review the ordinances. Why the parliament and the present Government had not done it before? Why they had not even nullified Nov 3 acts? Why they have not nullified NRO and other important ordinances? If everything is supposed to be done by Supreme Court, then what is the point of having a parliament?
So Atleast now judiciary is independent and is making decisions for strengthening Pakistan and not to destabilize the system, otherwise the Supreme Court would have given a harsh decision which would have destabilized the system and would have produced anarchy and chaos among the whole nation.
I want to say that if there would be a trial for dictator’s actions, then there should be a trial for past and present Governments also who have looted million of dollars from Pakistan’s treasury and had done nothing for the people of Pakistan and had not fulfilled their promises. Why Is there no case against Zardari, who after publicly making promise said that it is not Quran or Hadees? How can a President of an Islamic republic say this type of bullshit? Who no one has ever filed a reference against it? Or SC has taken suo motu notice? This is not a little issue, in Islamic way of life the leaders should have high moral values and they should be examples for the people. I am not a constitutional expert but the thing is it is written that President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan should be a Muslim. And how can a person be a Muslim if he doesn’t fulfills his promises?

IPv6 compatibility?

The biggest mistake in developing IPV6 is it lacks backward compatibility with the existing IPV4. IPV4 was made standard protocol 13 years ago and still it is the standard protocol. I also studied these both protocols in my computer networks course apart from articles i studied on net and in books, and there were some ways shown to make IPV4 devices compatible with IPV6, but there is no effective technique yet to make IPV4 devices compatible with IPV6 or vice versa, IPV6 developers envisioned a scenario in which IPV6 and IPV4 devices and networks will work side by side,which is known as dual stack mode. But they failed to realize that some IPV4 devices will never be upgraded to work with IPV6, and IPV6 networks have to communicate with IPV4 devices.. i hope that IETF will come up with some idea to use IPV4 and IPV6 side by side as it is impossible to change the devices and networks overnight to IPV6 from IPV4

Smoking Risks

I was reading articles related to health and there I saw the article related to smoking, so I read it in curiosity and I am sharing it with u people. A recent study carried out in London and published its findings in European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, said that people who smoke have high blood pressures than the non smokers, and high blood pressure and smoking both are the main causes of heart diseases. It also said that most of the smokers don’t know that they had high blood pressure, they suggests that if the smokers are made aware of their high blood pressure, it can increase their motivation to stop smoking. Well I don’t get it how it will motivate them to quit smoking, in my opinion every smoker or non smoker knows what are the side effects and smokers know that they are at the risk of many diseases i.e lung, heart etc. Whatever, it is pointless to do such lame researches like these and come up with these lame ideas or proposals, researches should be useful and precise.