Today’s stampede incident in Karachi is very unfortunate. Although it is an eye opener for us, by us I mean Pakistani nation, it doesn’t include Government and politicians as they don’t have eyes to see and mind to perceive that what is going on in this country. The thing they really care about is collecting abundant wealth. We Pakistanis should now open our eyes and minds. We have to think that are we making Pakistan, as envisioned by our great leaders Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal? Do we want to live in a country which is ruled by elite and certain families? Do these families have more right on Pakistan than us? After father or mother the son or daughter comes to rule the country, is this the definition of democracy? Or we should change this definition in dictionaries? When will we live as a nation? And eradicate the ills of society?
Sorry to say but we are still slaves, father of the nation Quaid-e-Azam freed us from British, but we ourselves became slaves of certain families. We want to be ruled by others instead of ruling others. I don’t know what type of Muslims we are? Or what type of Pakistanis? We should ask this question to ourselves that where we are heading? And what we want to do to our country?
The stampede shows us the true image of Pakistan. Hunger, poverty, unemployment, corruption and every ill is present in our society. This is the real Pakistan. One of my friend on facebook has a status “whatever happens still proud to be Pakistani”. This is just a statement to hide problems and ills in our society, you should feel proud by first realizing your mistakes and then improving them and then you should say I am proud to be Pakistani, but without power, gas, food, water, shelter and still you feel proud is just giving yourselves false picture and a way to run away from problems instead of addressing them. We should all pray to Allah to show us right path and forgive us for our sins.AMEEN
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